RED TO GREY logo – all logos with transparent background, 300 dpi, 2900px width, available as PNG and TIFF
Logo package
All variants as PNG and TIFF in one ZIP file
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RED TO GREY official band photos. The 72 dpi versions can be downloaded by right-clicking after opening. The button can be used to download a 300 dpi printable version of the image. If you need even larger images, please contact
RED TO GREY Bandinfo in english and german and Technical Rider
Bandinfo engl.
Short description:
Classical Bay Area Metal á la Death Angel meets Forbidden, flavored with a touch of Nevermore. Powerful riffs, catchy hooklines and some very melodic guitar tunes. All this combined with a quite unique and absolutely stunning female voice – that’s how best to describe the music of Germany-based Red To Grey.
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Bandinfo dt.
Klassischer Bay-Area-Metal á la Death Angel oder Forbidden, gewürzt mit einer Prise Nevermore – so lässt sich die Musik der im Süddeutschen Raum beheimateten Red To Grey am besten beschreiben. Machtvolle Riffs, griffige Hooklines mit Ohrwurm-Charakter und jede Menge melodiöse Gitarrensoli werden perfekt ergänzt durch die im Genre einzigartige, absolut überzeugende Stimme von Frontfrau Gaby Weihmayer.
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Technical Rider engl.
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Technical Rider dt.
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